Dog Grooming, Pet Hygiene

How Often Should You Bathe A Shih Tzu?


Shih Tzus need to be bathed about once a week, depending on how active they are. If they get dirty or wet often, you may need to bathe them more often. Be sure to use a gentle shampoo made specifically for dogs, and avoid getting water in their ears. After the bath, thoroughly dry your Shih Tzu with a towel or blow dryer set on low.When it comes to Shih Tzu Dogs the question you must have is how frequently should they be bathed. If you’re currently asking yourself this question, rest assured that you’ve arrived at the right place.

Even though there is no “one size fits all” approach to bathing a dog (let alone a curly Shih Tzu). We will go over how often you should clean your Shih Tzu. Some factors to consider before cleaning, and how we clean our dog. Let’s get started.

See also  How Often Should You Bathe A Vizsla?

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